They key with this bread, as with all quick breads, is to be careful about the cooking time. It’s tempting to take it out early – in a full sized loaf it needs to cook just over an hour, which seems like a really long time. But if it comes out too early it will sink in the middle, and undercooked bread isn’t nearly as tasty as, say, undercooked cookies. When it’s done the top will be cracked (like you can see in the photo above) and when you gently press down on it with your finger it will spring back up instead of staying depressed. If it sinks a tiny bit as it cools, don’t worry too much, it will still taste good. When I bake it in 3 smaller loaf pans the cook time is generally somewhere between 40 and 50 minutes, but again, you’ll just need to watch it the first time since loaf pan size and oven temps vary a bit. I find letting it rest in the pan for at least 10 minutes after removing from the oven makes it easier to get out.
This bread is delicious warm, but it’s even better completely cooled – the banana and chocolate flavors both intensify as it sits. I actually really love it refrigerated with a cold glass of milk.
Click here for the printable recipe card.